Squamish Soccerfest

The Squamish Soccerfest is a fun tournament tradition in Squamish. Open to men and women, the tournament has been happening since 2008. Lots of games on a smaller size field, beer gardens, concession, draws and prizes and lots of music make this tournament something hundreds of players look forward to year after year.

The tournament was put on hold during the Covid-19 Pandemic but has opened up again in 2022.

This website is a perfect example of how Squarespace can help small sports organizations create a working website that presents current information in an easy-to-find way. Keeping historic archives and a photo gallery is also an important function a website like this.

>> squamishsoccerassociation.com

We plant trees.

1.5% of our revenue for every project goes to reforestation efforts.



Jude Goodwin - Canadian Poet


Squamish Off Road Triathlon