Squamish Off Road Triathlon
The Squamish Triathlon is in memory of local triathlete Bob McIntosh as a community event to celebrate his life. After his untimely death in 1997 a group of friends began the process of bringing this dream to reality. The inaugural “Squamish Triathlon – A Memorial to Bob McIntosh” was launched in 1998 with over 200 individual entries and 51 relay teams.
The Triathlon website has had many incarnations and Goodwin Creative is proud to have been part of many of them! The current website was built in 2019 and featured many unique state-of-the-art web functions for the time. In particular, the information-heavy design needed to accommodate both mobile and desktop devices in a way that would make it easy for users to find the important information whether from their bike or their sofa.
The Global pandemic stopped the triathlons for a few years. We are hoping the event will be back up and running in 2023.
Pssst: this website has had a new update in 2024! Check it out.
>> squamishtriathlon.org